May 27, 2022
Welcome back!
We're so excited to bring this bonus episode to you. This is
literally the most fun we've had doing an "interview". Why the
quotation marks? It's because it didn't feel like an interview to
us. This was like chatting with an old friend once we got going. As
a bonus, our good friend Johnny Bucks from "Ooh! Electric Shock!"
podcast joins the conversation. It was good times, people. That's
what we're trying to convey to you.
So who are we talking about exactly? That would be Preshas
Jenkins, veteran stuntman with credits that include "Straight Outta
Compton", "Pirates of the Caribbean", "Transformers", and a little
independent project known as the "Marvel Cinematic Universe",
perhaps you've heard of it. His work in the MCU includes "Captain
America: Civil War", "Avengers: Infinity War / Endgame", "Black
Panther" as well as the upcoming sequel "Black Panther: Wakanda
Forever". Dan happened to meet him by chance one day and once they
got to talking, it was a no-brainer that we had to have Preshas
join us for a chat and believe us when we say he didn't
We want to thank Preshas for joining us this week and we truly
think that you'll enjoy yourselves listening to this one. If you
could do us a solid and please share the crap out of this for us on
social media, etc we'd really appreciate it. It's not so much about
numbers for HON as it is getting this into people's ears who might
not hear it otherwise. When we have special guests we really try to
make that happen since they were good enough to give us some of
their time.
Ok that's enough business for now. It's time to press "play" and
listen to our interview with the coolest cat ever. Enjoy!
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Heroes of Noise Podcast Contact and Show Info:
Show Twitter: @HeroesofNoise
Facebook: Heroes of Noise Podcast
Instagram: @heroesofnoisepodcast
If you're into the AMC series "PREACHER", listen to our other podcast :
The Word: The Unofficial PREACHER Podcast
Contact Info:
Twitter: @Word_Podcast
Hosts Twitter: @DanQPublic, @SE_Hudsonmusic
Facebook: The Word Podcast