Apr 3, 2020
Greetings Citizens!
Welcome to Episode 105. It’s been a rough week with a lot going on in the US where Covid-19 is concerned. Because of that we start off with a quick check up on each other and a recap of what’s been going on. We also make an announcement regarding our Patreon page and the temporary change we’ve put in place. When get into what’s been hitting us right (or wrong) this week it goes down like this:
We’ll keep the notes simple this week and let you get to the show. We want you to know that we hope you and yours are safe and healthy. We also hope you stay that way. Keep your heads up everyone. We’ll get through this.
Heroes of Noise Podcast Contact and Show Info:
Website: www.heroesofnoise.com
Email: HeroesofNoisePodcast@gmail.com
Show Twitter: @HeroesofNoise
Facebook: Heroes of Noise Podcast
Instagram: @heroesofnoisepodcast
Listen to our other podcast
The Word: The Unofficial PREACHER Podcast
Contact Info:
Email: askthewordpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @Word_Podcast
Hosts Twitter: @DanQPublic, @SE_Hudsonmusic
Facebook: The Word Podcast
Website: www.heroesofnoise.com