Feb 14, 2019
Greetings Citizens! Welcome to the big show! Episode 55 is here for your listening pleasure.
This week Steve is back in action but Dan has caught the bug unfortunately. That doesn't stop us from having plenty to talk about.
Right off the bat we want to let you know that this episode is a WHOLE LOT of random conversation for the first 70 min. You've Been Warned.
The topics include a man killing a mountain lion with his bare hands, Valentine's Day, Dan got his Coheed and Cambria / Mastodon tickets, Brushes with celebrity and the possible reactions they might induce, and throat cancer from oral sex (Sorry).
We eventually work our way into discussing our watches for the week which include the Childs Play, Ma, Frozen 2, and Aladdin trailers. Dan has watched Pen15 on Hulu, the 35th Anniversary of Nightmare on Elm Street at the cinema, Steve gives a mea culpa about Russian doll, and we both have some ...well, let's just say some words about Killer Mike's Trigger Warning on Netflix.
It's time to press "play" folks. But before you do...
Please do us a huge solid and vote for Heroes of Noise in the My Rode Cast Competition here.
Help your boys get a win. We'd really appreciate it. Thank you in advance!
Podcasts mentioned in this episode: Pop Culture Leftovers, Number One Comics, Nobody Asked You Kevin, andThe Reel Zodiac.
Check them out!
Heroes of Noise Podcast Contact and Show Info:
Website: www.heroesofnoise.com
Email: HeroesofNoisePodcast@gmail.com
Show Twitter: @HeroesofNoise
Facebook: Heroes of Noise Podcast
Instagram: @heroesofnoisepodcast
Listen to our other podcast
The Word: The Unofficial PREACHER Podcast
Contact Info:
Email: askthewordpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @Word_Podcast
Hosts Twitter: @DanQPublic, @SE_Hudsonmusic
Facebook: The Word Podcast
Website: www.heroesofnoise.com