Jul 10, 2020
Greetings, Citizens! Dan here.
This week we're breaking a rule of ours to insure our listeners get a show in their feeds. Due to an insane work schedule I was unavailable to record a new episode of HON. So at the last minute we decided to go ahead and release one our Patreon episodes so that we could stay consistent. We want to thank our Patreon patrons for giving us pass on this one. We assure you this won't be a regular thing. You people are the best. As for the rest of you, If you like what you hear please consider becoming a patron. Visit https://www.patreon.com/heroesofnoise for more info. We'll be back next week and we'll also have a bonus episode for you. Talk you soon.Please enjoy Patreon Episode 8 - "Whitey On The Moon".
Welcome to the latest Patreon episode from ya boyz! Today is July 5th and we hope everyone still has all of their digits. We actually had a lot of fun on this one and we think you'll hear it. This is very much like the old pregame episodes we used to do except the stupidity is fresh as a daisy. Let's get to it. Here are some of the topics discussed on this episode:
We hope you enjoy our first show in July and as always, thank you so much for your continued support. It means the world to us. We'll be back before you know it. Bet on it.
Heroes of Noise Podcast Contact and Show Info:
Website: www.heroesofnoise.com
Email: HeroesofNoisePodcast@gmail.com
Show Twitter: @HeroesofNoise
Facebook: Heroes of Noise Podcast
Instagram: @heroesofnoisepodcast
Listen to our other podcast
The Word: The Unofficial PREACHER Podcast
Contact Info:
Email: askthewordpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @Word_Podcast
Hosts Twitter: @DanQPublic, @SE_Hudsonmusic
Facebook: The Word Podcast
Website: www.heroesofnoise.com