Jun 29, 2020
Welcome to Episode 117!
This week we're joined by Joe Stark from Starkcast and Number One Comic Books. Joe is a great conversationalist and much like Starkcast where the conversation flows freely, we also let it all flow out (You'll learn some things today. That's a guarantee).
Here are some of the topics discussed on...
Jun 19, 2020
Greetings Citizens!
Welcome to episode 116. This week we not only bring you reviews of season 6 of "Alone" (now on Netflix) and "The King Of Staten Island" starring Pete Davidson. This week we bring you an exclusive interview. An interview over 2000 years in the making. Ladies and gentlemen... This week Steve sits down...
Jun 12, 2020
Greetings, Citizens!
Welcome to Episode 115. We have a slightly shorter show for you this week, but we assure you that it's packed with quality HON content. We wouldn't do you like that.
Some of the topics discussed on this episode include:
Jun 5, 2020
Welcome to a very special Episode 114.
This week we're joined by Christina J from the Black Girl Couch Reviews podcast. We feel it's only fair to warn you that there is no talk of pop culture on this episode. Quite frankly this one is politically charged. We understand if you choose not to listen to it but we hope that...