Mar 26, 2020
Greetings Citizens!
Welcome to Episode 104! We hope everyone's coping with all that's going on and we're happy to at least try to take your mind off of it for a while. We'll keep the notes short this week and get right down to it. We start things off with a quick weekly catch up as we get a read on how the new normal is effecting us. Once that's out of the way we play a listener email, try out an upcoming quiz, and get down to business on what we've been watching.
We only do a couple of reviews this week and they're as follows:
Dan has seen the new Netflix series "Tiger King" and raves about it. He's frustrated though because the series is too new for spoilers and he wants to spoil it all. He's also seen the recently released Blumhouse movie "The Hunt" which was dropped early on digital last week.
We also come back around to talk a little more about Big Time Adolescence which Steve watched earlier this week.
As previously stated, we're keeping the notes short so you can get right to it.
Look for a new Patreon episode later this week as well.
OK people. Enjoy!
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