Jan 5, 2025
Happy New Year and welcome to Episode 208!
This is our first official episode since coming back on a regular basis, which as of now will be biweekly going forward. As you'll hear we're also playing with the aspects of video and will be doing more with that platform as we move through 2025. It's an experiment we want to try. However, experiments can have varying results and you may hear some of that today. For our first episode this year we decided to livestream. This time it was on our private Facebook group, the Heroes of Noise Podcast Community (which you should join if you haven't already), but we're planning to do this from the website eventually. Baby Steps..
This was the first time livestreaming for both of us so pardon the number of times you hear us referring to something that's actually visual (we'll figure it out once we get comfortable with this). Also this is a slightly edited version of our livestream as we had some problems with echoing on Steve's side which has been corrected for the most part. There were also a few moments cut that just didn't work well in the audio version; Basically it's tweaked just enough to hit your ears correctly. Again, just a learning curve when livestreaming.
Ok. You get it. It's not perfect. Let's move on. Here's just a "smidge" of what you'll hear on this episode:
We hope you enjoy our latest episode and we look forward to being back in your ears very soon. It's a new year, a new time, and we're ready to do this. Until then...Be cool. This year is going to be insane. Pace yourselves.
Contact info:
Email: heroesofnoisepodcast@gmail.com