Feb 21, 2019
Greeting Citizens! We're back with what we want you to think of as a prelude to this weekend's show. At the last minute we decided to give you 2 shows this week. We're treating this one like a pregame and recording the big show this Saturday. Cool? Cool!
So for those of you that have been around, you know how it goes. Here come the tangents. When the show starts out we learn Dan can save your life and he tells you how you can save one too. We learn that apple cider vinegar does not feel good shooting through your nostrils and this inspires more health related information.
Listener feedback gets us back into last week's discussion about whether oral sex by itself gives you throat cancer (Spoilers: NOT the case). However, Steve's requesting documentation from future partners and drawing a line in the sand with the whole thing.
We cap things off with a quiz and see if Dan's buying it. How does he do? That's for you to find out. So that's it. Push "play", have fun, and we'll talk to you this weekend. We hope you enjoy Episode 56. π€π½βπΎ
Help us be victorious. Please vote for Heroes of Noise in the
If you can please donate to Dan's sister and longtime listener Monica's Go Fund Me Campaign. She's almost halfway to her goal. Let's help her get even closer. Anything helps and we appreciate it.
If you live in or around Illinois, be sure to check out the 2nd annual Geekz Con, sponsored by
Heroes of Noise Podcast Contact and Show Info:
Website: www.heroesofnoise.com
Email: HeroesofNoisePodcast@gmail.com
Show Twitter: @HeroesofNoise
Facebook: Heroes of Noise Podcast
Instagram: @heroesofnoisepodcast
Listen to our other podcast
The Word: The Unofficial PREACHER Podcast
Contact Info:
Email: askthewordpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @Word_Podcast
Hosts Twitter: @DanQPublic, @SE_Hudsonmusic
Facebook: The Word Podcast
Website: www.heroesofnoise.com